sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015


Entities dedicated to communication must be present to service guide so that there is imitation learning in the work of nature. Because it is necessary to travel instantaneously if required that the texture of the universe is able to repair itself and hold in place the subtle fine-tuning of the anthropic principle.
At this point in portability it means that there is matching purposes, unusual occurrences and immediate pipeline: Urgent CHANNEL to areas of conflict and resonance frequency.

I think of the possibility of a cable that mental states spend elsewhere in an integrated manner, preserving its values ​​and functionality. That is channeling, without loss, from one brain to another. Mental portability and power regulator for election observation and action.

Creation of organ gifted with the elan vital, or vital force EMERSON.

This is an analogy to the idea of ​​communicating with intelligent beings from different places in the universe. Imagine that way. What they think of us, we are sending signals and looking only understand by using traditional senses ?. Please.

Otherwise: It is an analogy about how it should be the autopiesis the multiverse.
Because brain and universe are structurally N-SHAPE, and acquire sustainability by combining multiple dynamic poles that are organized in the form of trumpet and passed inside a characteristic sound according to the scope of their identity.

ION CHANNEL: Ion channels may be classified by gating, i.e. what opens and closes the channels. Voltage-gated ion channels open or close depending on the voltage gradient across the plasma membrane, while ligand-gated ion channels open or close depending on binding of ligands to the channel
TUNNEL EFECT: To understand the phenomenon, particles attempting to travel between potential barriers can be compared to a ball trying to roll over a hill; quantum mechanics and classical mechanics differ in their treatment of this scenario. Classical mechanics predicts that particles that do not have enough energy to classically surmount a barrier will not be able to reach the other side. Thus, a ball without sufficient energy to surmount the hill would roll back down. Or, lacking the energy to penetrate a wall, it would bounce back (reflection) or in the extreme case, bury itself inside the wall (absorption). In quantum mechanics, these particles can, with a very small probability, tunnel to the other side, thus crossing the barrier. Here, the "ball" could, in a sense, borrow energy from its surroundings to tunnel through the wall or "roll over the hill", paying it back by making the reflected electrons more energetic than they otherwise would have been
memristive phenomena: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1306.0942v2.pdf
WORMHOLE: A wormhole, or Einstein-Rosen Bridge, is a hypothetical topological feature that would fundamentally be a shortcut connecting two separate points in spacetime that could connect extremely far distances such as a billion light years or more, short distances, such as a few feet, different universes, and in theory, different points in time. A wormhole is much like a tunnel with two ends, each in separate points in spacetime.
“disorder increases over time”, such as a solid definition of “disorder” (it’s entropy) and the often-dropped stipulation that the second law of thermodynamics only applies to closed systems. Creatures, both in the context of growing and reproducing, and in the context of evolution are definitely not closed systems


jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2015


Physicists in determining what our material condition have come to bet on supersymmetry or the multiverse.

In the early days the controversy was similar between Parmenides and Heraclitus.

The physicist Hawking is on the part that is explaining how the information leaves the black hole.

All these quests for truth found in a single mechanism. The process by which the effect ORFEO generates hereinafter. Antropic Principie

The first is that nature becomes a great feature oscillator because its energy organization determines N-SHAPE.

In this organization the heavier goes to the center and at least placed at a distance. But there is an unstable zone between two and three states have N-SHAPE. In the area of ​​negative resistance is generated indifferent vitality that is conducive to explain by means of mathematical theory of stability.

When the N, manages to be stable. Time in that universe is fixed. The processes pass with a rate in the intermediate zone and no stable circles that reveal and heal internal breakdowns N, N benefit of the greater.

If a crack at the resonance frequency stability mechanism is activated, it occurs. Resulting in a bipolar situation is the germ of a future bubble.

These bubbles are inflationary, conjuring an atmosphere sufficient to solve the autopoiesis.

In this evolutionary process they will creating systems with the same mode of production but moving in the wisdom of life. To lead to a nervous system containing the N-SHAPE a structural base. The neuron contains N-SHAPE.

Then the brain of living beings is a plant that evolved so has managed to be portable in your environment and has gained a foothold in the hostile nature.

But continuous generation mechanism and thereby produce greater stability creates systems involving improvements in relation of the N-SHAPE.

From one universe to another, temporal distances defined Lissajous figures which are the forms we see galaxies.

The Heraclitean fire, thinking about the journey of the information in the black hole Hawking, infer that the end is because it contains the desire supersymmetric Riemann CONTINUOUS. The multiverse is the atmosphere of monads of Leibniz, or conglomeration of Jungian archetypes in everyday human relations. But everything is a product of a larger process that begins in thermodynamics N-SHAPE.


jueves, 30 de abril de 2015


CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing in human tripronuclear zygotes

The understanding of the functioning of life.It is still precarious for the human mind. Fear of God, say human, as we approach the limit.

Because we have to, first. adjust the distance of the paradox that sustains us in our dimemsion.

We have to know that there is a chasm. Which is our law N-SHAPE.

We know that the energy field, we hear in the background noise. That is where it is processed, calculating self-sustained automatic control theory.

We must know that our actions can generate spirals, through mistakes. The distortion. The low fidelity of our actions.

How to explain to the public, that God is living adjustment?. We need to equip our computer with Paradox control algorithms.

Mathematical exorcism. creating a platform to build up the evolutionary chain of man and his rudder. the perfect ship with autopoietic motor.

sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015


Norbert Wiener, looked in coexistence with the second law of thermodynamics in the fact that by calculating a statistical function could be the unit. and with this, finding that the mathematics of probability was, so truthful in the disorder.

is that the arrow of time and the gradual mess they had a cusp. a solution to the confusion.
Michio Kaku. says:
But there is a small but important loophole in the second law that states total entropy always increases. This means that you can actually reduce entropy in one place and reverse aging, as long as you increase entropy somewhere else. So it’s possible to get younger, at the expense of wreaking havoc elsewhere. (This was alluded to in Oscar Wilde’s famous novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. Mr. Gray was mysteriously eternally young. But his secret was the painting of himself that aged horribly. So the total amount of aging still increased.) The principle of entropy can also be seen by
looking behind a refrigerator. Inside the refrigerator, entropy decreases as the temperature drops. But to lower the entropy, you have to have a motor, which increases the heat generated behind the refrigerator, increasing the entropy outside the machine. That is why refrigerators are always hot in the back.
The formation of a universe, our universe. is organized by a reason entropic two forms of existence. To one side: the high density and high temperature; and to the other side, the low density and low temperature (diagram T/S). These placements are the law of matter in the energy field. This is the great oscillator. marking the rhythm of the universe to which we belong.

In the center of each posture. an unstable area; highly ductile; conducive to the creation.

The exitence of a larger oscillator (bistable). that governs our lives. means that the parties comply with the second law and also with the tuning.

from side everything is disordered; the other is organized.

the oscillator becomes the frequency domain does its work both ways.

sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015

Creationism STATEMENT..

I have stated on this blog, in the transcendental discussions, writers, common phenomena are related to creationism. Than any human being inspired by the creator, babbling inner world, indicating occur, the elements involved in generating creation. Similarly, happens in nature. As we have seen it in the evolution of beings.

Everything begins with knowing that the intermediate zone of the bistable (N-SHAPE). Is furnace where the creation is melted. where the universal connection happens to the human brain through networks "defined positive" for the internal sphere of existence, which is like a musical instrument. That we are; socially, eco-mind system.

Our experiential "sound", which springs from within the instrument, going qualifying materiality, through the action of time, which is the derivation of that sound. Through a matching parallelism is called correspondence principle: The adjustment of the instrument has been achieved through the work of mathematical functions of temporal stability in the frequency spectrum where the largest oscillator vibrates, holding our Cartesian circle.

And that oven specialized production, have we stopped in his fist art. Radiating freedoms, which become a trope-species, sublimated into nothingness.

Impossible to understand this, since presumably fix our eyes in the beginning. Because reality has done the math, with the substrate of the frequency nature of scattered energies, is a total transformation; doing work on entropic provisions of the bistable material (N-SHAPE) Was as transformative waves that erase the imprint in the sand on the beach.

-The Negative area of ​​the N-SHAPE. N-SHAPE is the Law of the arrangement of matter in the energy context.

Temporary winds that travel the universe creating here and there, materiality speak different languages ​​of creation with its own lags distances and backgrounds. Therefore to be displayed each Lissajous figures. These are the figures we see in telescopes.

With this information in mind we can find better psychological adjustment to our lives, better put our efforts so that we create a relationship CALCULATION certain past-present-future to fall into stable area. The cessation of religious crusade, from engineering life to know that the generation of life depends on the utopia exists a universal controller that adjusts by means of feedback, distance governing within the paradox; the regulator is working nonstop for us.

But this happens is divine; in the narrow place where we are, because it has generated extremely elaborate way. And the situation is because the regulatory functions and eliminates distortion. Specifying the TUNING and taking control and distance control of our paradoxes (N-SHAPE). Therefore we can say that is creating the sound cavity, which emits our existential song in the universe.

Seek all of us, the Regulator; properly formulating the differential equations of our pendulum, avoid spirals. Keep the divine circle determines quite vividly. Build the golem is a squire, for us, which is our way of separating the risk approaches and turns. Because we need the tool to follow the journey not as individuals but as a human species. Smooth.

Let's break the planet earth, rather chamber of our event. deliver to planet earth, back, knowledge that the planet needs to be decontaminated.

miércoles, 14 de enero de 2015


If nature has a law that processes coincidences, and according to its phase, Chaos. an entity formally strong and safe also occurs in the opposite direction.
When chaos occurs, all material is separated and in this gap, we find the spirit. Through this effect is portable. The spirit is visible.

To generate the start of cosmos, collision is not necessary. CERN does not do well. The method is approximate, polos, pure system of antagonistic pairs. Formed by the entropic distribution of energy. The coincidence give space to a lot of energy. Hence the environment expands, it becomes arena. and the immense solitude we find the time stopped. And there, the EFFECT gave outbreak, to life.

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015

Richard Dawkins and evolution:

I sincerely believe that Richard Dawkins probes deep into the bowels of the unknown, to find the operating system of the Universe.

This does not mean it is demonstrated that there is a purpose to rest Richard Dawkins. Nor does it mean that in nature there is a definite purpose.

The mechanism of what happens, so:

The fact that evolution occurred and occurs according to an improvement of procedures. Due to the decrease of error, feedback from evolutionary processes. Zero distortion.

More and better response to changing beings involved in evolution.

But why species are improving their response to the environment: extinct or settling ?. Because in the field conducive to life, we have a universal controller.

Be: The oscillations of the major producers of energy in this universe throng accordingly. To create a space-time anthropic. And spontaneously it occurs, a regulator that controls this quality. to continue the stability of this system.

This script is based on the assumption that the mathematics of the universe, is like the theory of automatic control.

martes, 6 de enero de 2015

Request for cooperation to win a million

REFERENCE:Clay Mathematics Institute’s infamous $1m prize

Many samples of functionality, interval, is recurrent in the literature. Therefore it is important this article (mentioned above), which determines that nature has an anomaly. CONTINUOUS that is not.

Currently I have read, the presence of fierce ideas about the continuum.

whether religious or scientific. I am struck by the presence in the press of Richard Dawkins whose novelty is so strong ..

The CONTINUOUS there alone, like stretch of history, in the script, which lives in the space of the natural genesis. Because quantum has its source in the anomaly.

The structure of the nature of the universe, in a medium frequency, according to the frequency spectrum. It is an oscillator. It is a bistable. This happens as a result of loads approaching opposite faces. By thermodynamics. T / S.

In that scenario. Mathematics is the theory of process stability. Theory of automatic control.

Please. put in the path of efforts Lyapunov mathematics.

If many people think of the oscillatory nature, and his script for stability. We can achieve universal controller, allowing adjustment, which creates what our culture anthropic (spacetime, has third dimension when it creates culture).

New visions will come: Lissajous curves. Galaxies are drawings for our eyes.