domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016


The buildings are the architectural envelope, which brings us to the rationale, nature. Our home, our environment, is a living organism that connects us with what exists. In everyday life, we create simulations of what can happen in the outside world; They are as experimental exercises at home.

EPIPHANY: a building could be a squire. A medieval squire. metadata and universal controllers are the tools to create intelligent spaces. an intelligent space is stable when regulating the paradox of the border. Thus, businesses are struggles between buildings. STABLE be aimed, on the market. The universal controller is in line with the protocol behavior of the universe.

We need a house, a modern workplace because it facilitates control of the realities, taking the path of least difficulty. And with that, we hold longer on the market.

The main task is to generate the continuum. The KNIGHT in his building holding the carpet in the air. without falling. Along with all their human attributes and their partners and families. In a stabilized experiential process.

The current circumstances of the wired world and aware of security protocols, would allow us to navigate in reality much longer than the programmed by nature itself. In this dilemma, permits, this dwelling, human circumstance.

We could then express an elementary desire: When we break the barrier of the established reality for our time. (The pixelated grain, allowed life): transcend,

(But we need to know more about the edge. To not explode).

A universal controller solves this. A universal controller is a benchmark in the hereafter and holds it, without losing. It is that last utopia, you can not leave.

The important thing for the KNIGHT is to generate the continuum. The old KNIGHT will leave the new generations utopia. But a universal controller solves this. Search parity feeding back progress and stabilize the paradox of the edge. To increase the chronological time. In short, the controller has a service based feedback, adjusting the response times. It is self-adaptive.

Because in nature there are two financial times. chronological and adjustment.

domingo, 3 de abril de 2016

CERN : Bigger than the Higgs, bigger even than gravitational waves…my opinion

“We may be entering a new era in physics. An era where there are weird features in the Universe that we cannot explain. An era where we have hints that we live in a multiverse that lies frustratingly beyond our reach. An era where we will never be able to answer the question why is there something rather than nothing.”
CERN : Bigger than the Higgs, bigger even than gravitational waves…

we have only one way of understanding the universe: follow the mathematics of the theory of stability; of automatic control.

The law follows the matter is to polarize thermodynamically. That is T / S, strong side, weak side. And in the center unstable area.

Current–voltage characteristic,

But this unstable area of the N-shaped, links to other N-shaped, with an enclosure.

The gravitational waves are other multiple frequencies that are activated by energy. The mathematics of control, autogenesis creates areas of life. stability.

The eyes see, because, cliffs in the mind are created, that cross another cliff, generate, a jump: The brain forms an image.

The phases of the processes that take place, we usually detect the existence of particles. But no. They are frequency gaps. intermingle in favor of stability.