miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2014


Dear Nick, the task of knowledge we have, to understand the nature of things. has its geography, in the intuitive field. art. In order to have the truth of the mechanism. must choose a seer. above all.
We need to know that nature, just hiding, just put in the place your puppy.
For this we must compete against wise. With an epiphanic decision that the chosen is the seer.

At issue:

The continuum is a chimera. Nature has anomalies. (N-SHAPED)
Evidence N-SHAPED

These anomalies are useful in the calculation and iteration. Your theory of permanent continuous, is similar to ejaculation: photon to photon. So I put it to feel the heat of the anomaly.

Intelligence has as purpose to build bridges, to let down the anomaly. in these buildings fleet culture.

who has the truth?. depends on what each person has lived or what nature has revealed itself to the individual. we locate the seer.

NICK HARVEY: "Each person has their own personal view of the Universe from the center of their own reference frame. But there is one objective dynamic process that physics and mathematics is based upon. We see and feel this process as the continuum of 'time' with a future that is always
Nick. your thinking is on the edge. beyond uncertainty. The framework is singular.
I suggest you get out of the box. looks from the outside:
Look also to the other (equal),
see that all heads are forming a circle.
That circle is impassable.
uncertainty in the circle. Inside is a space that has stopped time and faithfully repeats what is outside.

It can not happen but .. is correspondence.
The universal controller you to discover. is that which governs the time-distance between a point inside and one outside.
With this regulation work. all material is in stable condition.
Within the circle (much has been written) is God, eternity.
With those circles stable by adjusting the regulator. have focused lenses, organizations structured on the circle.__________________________________________
the edge problem. border.
the fact of light.

the situation of entities in the cosmic whole. It is nature, frequency. Therefore it has to happen, a resonant compensation, to reach the dipole.

"The atomic system in a distorted frequency medium".

Seeing this, more open. We have a mental problem situation. more in context.

the photon acquires breaking in itself, in the resonance of atomic system.
and the cosmos, lights.
this is the continuum that was Bernhard Riemann. this is the current intension of seeing supersymmetry.
NICK  HARVEY: This theory is based on just two simple postulates

1. The first is that the quantum wave particle function explained by Schrödinger's wave equation represents the forward passage of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π or Arrow of Time itself photon by photon. It is a probability wave of a potential future event.

2. The second is that Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the wave function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event.

This process of continuous creation or change we see and feel as the flow of time itself and can interact with turning the possible into the actual with the Planck constant being a constant of action in the dynamics of space and time! 
I support this frenzy of hypotheses on the drawing of time in the substrate. But time is a variable that measures wear; contention of antagonistic poles. The real forces are expressed on frequency systems.

As you can bring order to the forces in the frequency domain with the mathematical tool of geometry ?. That way you can just draw.

In the frequency domain, a powerful mathematical tool, now do engineering needs. That tool is the time variable calculation. It is the only specialty that calculation is the TIME variable.

This mathematical tool, was developed to deliver results in the stability of the processes.



When you see, through the lens of the theory of automatic control. you see movements of entities (monads) in the frequency universe. And see eruptions birth of art. these rashes I call them "the orfeo effect."

when I read these ideas. I feel very liberating theory of human nature.

is the description of a blip. it's me, you, all of us, but each according to his frame of reference. each in his lane to take flight.

are some questions:

1. which is the force that determines the unit intrinsically genuine ?.
2. why suits that genuine identity that future. and everything is harmonious?
3. why not identity is dispersed. which is the tuning ?.

I propose a larger area of discussion.
a giant oscillator, promotes accurate calculations in the frequency spectrum, stability of temporal processes.
this oscillator. is a bipolar condition, entropically determined by thermodinamc.
each universe has its own calculation sensible realities.
You can know the power of tuning of each universe, its spiral. because what we see are lissajous curves.
time is a result variable. processes are governed by the frequency spectra.
feel that you are on the right track. but considering only part of the problem.

martes, 5 de agosto de 2014

cosmic entities

monad (Leibniz). formations of the universe. which are also seen in our ethereal organizations.

3 dimensional ship powered by time.....flying through the heart of cosmos

I also read something in the narratives and expressions of human beings. but the inner coil, may depend on the phase difference between observers

miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014

nebula no spiral

the intension of rotation. monalisa look. the distance between the parties. temporary phase. are elements of nature that it takes into account for the calculation.

If you do not know this. if we are not aware of how to calculate nature. then we can reach erroneous conclusions.

For example, in the cosmos, we can think that the nebulae are spiral. and they are not. because the calculation time has worked in our process of observation. actually what happens is that they are lissajous curves.https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxia_espiral_barrada

The calculations are performed in the autogenesis, mathematical calculations are temporary adjustment processes.

That is the foundation of my thinking. I propose that time. It is not just chronology. is also the time lapse. This is the real situation as the tuning occurs in the creation of life.

So when all was ready, the current situation could have unfolded very quickly.

Wave Function of the Universe(s)

Lissajous curves and semiclassical theory: The two-dimensional harmonic oscillator

miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

Cartesian circle, THE PARADOX

Cartesian circle, has been considered a vicious circle. or a paradox. but their existence is for example the boundary between Euclidean geometry and non-Euclidean.
Within the circle overlooks a TIME, different from outside the circle. It may even be said that within the circle there is no time.

Knowing the presence of the circle is so important that resolves all differences for the existence of paradoxes. And the circle is set to be necessary to "zone".

Move the circle in one direction or another. is the future of technologies.

The arrow of time is a bulldozer mutilating circles.

To reach a Cartesian circle have to take a long trip. almost always when you're in, you feel a split.


the circle

sábado, 24 de mayo de 2014


And this gigantic man stirs powerful mind, and looking with open eyes in shadow divine brain, and finds provident, invisible, in uniform and pulsating light in the earth, in the waters and in itself, and feel you know what you can not say, and that man will forever living playing with his hands, without ever palpate the edges of the wings of the golden eagle, it has finally seated. This man has stood against the universe, and has not faded. He has dared to analyze the synthesis, and has not been misplaced.
He has spread his arms, and has covered with them the secret of life. Your body, your underseat light winged spirit, reached between painful and deadly work forward, to those pure cusps, from which they are drawn, and the lure of prize traveler, embroidered tunics starlight infinite beings


domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014


ARFAN: I think that the theory of Nick Harvey is correct in terms of CONTINUUM . Newton & Leibniz thought alike . But we found pictures sighted at poetological cosmos. To be made analogous . Poets speak about interval . By this continuous and pause are present in human illusion . To keep things harmonious between science and mysticism , we should consider the mathematical field of stability analysis of Automatic Control Theory . Because then we could see the controls as Holmes, the judge saw the law.
Everything in the universe is processes of time . The chronology progresses, creating information that will be memory , for another time , form , the feedback , and error, the distortion , will be minimal . Tuning .
The paradox of the brothers are like the faces of theater. Laughing and Crying. Because we are at the limit . the situation is ambiguous in the INTERVAL .
The relationship with poetry leads to an inflationary atmosphere to a universe of science and culture. Paidella .

Nick Harvey I do not dislike mysticism, but I believe what we see and feel as 'time' can be totally explained be physics supported by mathematics! This can be based on two postulates:
1. Is that the spontaneous absorption and emission of light represented by thequantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function forms the forward passage of time itself with the future coming into existence photon by photon with each new photon electron coupling or dipole moment.
2. Is that at the smallest scale of this process Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p ≥h/4π that is formed by the wave function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual! 
In such a theory the Planck constant is a constant of action in the process we see and feel as time. This is a process of continuous energy exchange continuous change or what I like to call continuous creation! The spontaneous absorption and emission of light is forming an Arrow of Time for each reference frame. Photon energy cascades down forming greater degree of freedom in each reference frame for the increase in entropy. This process also forms greater degrees of freedom for the evolution and diversity of life that has lead to the creativity of art, poetry and music!

ARFAN:  is true. but the photo to photon rate. this only generated when the trumpet is organized. or cosmic worm. on one side, black hole and the other white hole. Because dark matter, resonant conflicts occur, the dynamics of the processes. their identity is broken. And the outbreak occurs in these circumstances. (when the noise is white, function autocarrelacion 1: Dirac delta). Impulse. 
free will. 
Milestones can be seen in the distance. acquires nowhere, another dimension. 
At the outbreak, both sides appear. are opposite. that's the first existence of uncertainty. that stands forever. 
More and more results are summed and form the trumpet. mathematical work that emit the final sound: Evennnnnnnnnnnn!

NICK HARVEY and, standing waves in time?

ARFAN: standing waves in time?. How?. tell me?. As can be stabilized somewhat in time?. Nick: another form of time is required. Adaptation time. That time is Tuning. It is a form of time for processes to respond to changes. 
Reference: Analysis of stability of the theory of automatic control. Liapunov.

Nick Harvey Only be have an understanding of the process that forms 'time' can we have a concept of a standing wave in time. In this theory the spontaneous absorption and emission of light represented by the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function forms the forward passage of time itself with the future coming into existence photon by photon with each new photon electron coupling or dipole moment. An atom that is not undergoing chemical change represents a standing wave in time therefore we see uncertainty if a photon of light interacts with its electrons, the future is always uncertain!

ARFAN:  "An atom Undergoing That is not a chemical change above dealer standing wave". 
When we have stability. because there is no chemical change Lechatelier or thermodynamics is entropy stable; no wear processes. Then as God is a pure mathematician. Use for this purpose the analysis of stability of the theory of automatic control. 
Auto calculation polar placement of entropy in a closed universe. Generates Apprenticeship stability. To this truth we are destined. 
The distance between observers dieferente temporary phase, give distorted views: lissajous curves. Andormeda, not spiral. 
The mathematics of time must be considered ....

sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

NICK HARVEY. Quantum mechanics and the large-scale world.

Nick Harvey  In classical physics when someone walks through a doorway without touching the door frame the width of the doorway does not affect the walker’s subsequent path. However, quantum mechanics leads us to expect that this situation is not as simple as it first appears to be. The person walking through the doorway has as associated wave and the doorway itself may be regarded as a single slit. Hence the walker should be diffracted as in the diagram on the right. Yet if this is so, why haven’t you ever been conscious of being diffracted when you pass through a doorway?
I believe there is only one logical explanation and that is that quantum mechanics represents the physics of ‘time’ as a physical process. The angle of diffraction cannot be predicted exactly, even in principle and this uncertainty represents the uncertainty the walker will have with any future event on the other side of the doorway. 
We could say it is because the angle of diffraction is too small that it can never be observed and that the diffraction of everyday macroscopic objects can generally be neglected because of the smallness of their Broglie wavelengths. 
But if we say this we only have a mathematical understanding of quantum mechanics and no objective understanding of ‘time’ and why we have a past that can never be changed and a future that is always uncertain. 
In this theory it is only logical that at the smallest scale the walker’s potential future possibilities and opportunities will be relative to the width of the doorway. The walker represents the most advanced part of this universal process and is always in ‘the moment of now’ in the centre of their own reference frame with a time line form the past into the future.
The future only exist as a probability wave and is unfolding photon by photon with each new photon electron coupling or dipole moment relative to the walker. Please subscribe on YouTube and share on Face book it will help the promotion of this theory! 
Link to videos explaining this theory:https://www.youtube.com/user/nickharvey7

ARFAN:  Similarities. eg. Gate is like this: our spiritual evolution indicates fracture. So we have to step into the future is uncertain. But the outbreak is observed. 
We observe, in slow motion, the outbreak. And we see that, on leaving, a being of opposite faces appears. 
This is the diffraction in the human sense of things.

Nick Harvey We see a lot of different reference frames at the same time, But time is unfolding within each reference frame relative to the energy and momentum of the object or life form that is forming that frame of reference. Therefore we are all in the centre of our own reference frame being able to look back in time in every direction at the beauty of the stars! This is logical if you think we are always in 'the moment of now' in the centre of an interactive process of continuous energy exchange or continuous creation!

ARFAN: each is part of the whole. convergence brings us to run into the heads. We need out of the box, to observe the process and avoid the blow. Attention!, There is a script. let's do it. ask communion. We are in the hands of light. thought is light. we draw up the script for its action.

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

God is love and Automatic Control

Watching James Jeans on GOD. stating that it is a pure mathematician : It's true. Because the oscillator to be art it is then that integral and derivative activities resulting from growth to occur energetic stability . These results objectify the process stability .

But what is the mathematical universe exercised on the Exercise of life and the reproduction thereof : Math stability . Each time a new element enters springs tested, in the atmosphere and that atmosphere calculation , gives a conclusive end to their inherent stability, which is the length of your cycle.

- The mathematical system of ideas whose governing principles of the process stability is the Theory of Automatic Control . Which calculates the internal times for the tasks running, so they can put in their place , the purposes of being in that space.

All things to say about love, it must be said about the placement of those times in the internal regulation of these purposes in mathematics , Mathematics which is applied to a new type of atmosphere, which is calculation. It is produced by the oscillator stuff in your step Oscillator Mayor. (which is when one side of the dense elements and other scattered as the reason for some entropic universe. ( Thermodynamics ) .

Love is then: accommodate , and love to have a system, means , putting on all our watches to time, so you can reach your goals , without error. With the purpose of removing the distortion , the position control. Determining increasingly more faithfully the surrounding reality , because this generates safely and always falls , this at best defined place .

Mathematics is then living , and in such proportion that review to give the here - now , that runs infinitely , while what is perceived , it is minimal . But some presence that has materially intense iteration calculation in the atmosphere , besides that hit all the information , is also participating, for the preparation of this , playing out a scene.

Because the atmosphere of certain calculations in spacetime OSC . is also venue information, contributing Leibniz 's monads as temporary success they have achieved to be created .

The here - now as well as the outbreak of the entities, come to participate via the same mechanism . And among all determine what we each new state of reality .

So then the world becomes a reality engine , when their production is supported by a calculation you get stable results in space- time, having him .. Hence gravity is a variable inferred by the atmosphere calculation.

sábado, 18 de enero de 2014

Gott im Sinn

My friend wants to understand how God is on your mind. The way I see it is the same, say, as God is in the universe. God is processing tuning, by means of mathematical calculation derived integrated and that the "law of the oscillator" hits. Mathematical God does this spontaneously being handled in the whole; validating expressing erroneous results or necessary to the stability of the process conditions.

The "law of the oscillator" is the entropy rate of each body in space. (They are placed properly leaving a gap in the middle that belongs to both, and determining a distance whose phases are time exchange of that process). A high temperature side and low entropy and high entropy and other low temperature. The whole, in question, is formed by the dark vibrating; forming patterns in the frequency spectrum that give uniqueness to resonate. Vibrations and entropic placement (law of matter: oscillator) of the parties are the cosmos in action.

Evaporations ethereal (Greek atoms) and materials are fused narrative in the work of nature and thus are placed in different ways so that the light covers what we see.

Nature performs mathematical calculations and prefers handled in the frequency domain so that it resembles more of the same skills is the use of transference equations, the dynamics of the processes. Because the reality is stability through temporary calculations. Correlation of white noise!.

The results of the integrations give rise to pre-material entities or Greeks atoms that can iterate through your brain power and these sometimes encompassing visions into physical bodies, and consequently generate the Einstein event.

In my view the heuristics of the photoelectric effect in 1905, tells very well the natural situation and proposes a way forward that is a SCRIPT how things are. NOT JUST FOR THE LIGHT!.

But much remains to dare to continue in this context to support the human from the natural. It's more than that. When the calculation is added to the human artificial and have therefore much more far reaching.

Einstein is an object of that produced under nature and put you on your way through the Heraclitean flow issues should know to achieve the synthesis of their ideas. His brain was also short, everything in synthesis and said I was his for the composition to be giving.

The experiential constellations are standing properly on stage. Creating enabling environment.