miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2014


Dear Nick, the task of knowledge we have, to understand the nature of things. has its geography, in the intuitive field. art. In order to have the truth of the mechanism. must choose a seer. above all.
We need to know that nature, just hiding, just put in the place your puppy.
For this we must compete against wise. With an epiphanic decision that the chosen is the seer.

At issue:

The continuum is a chimera. Nature has anomalies. (N-SHAPED)
Evidence N-SHAPED

These anomalies are useful in the calculation and iteration. Your theory of permanent continuous, is similar to ejaculation: photon to photon. So I put it to feel the heat of the anomaly.

Intelligence has as purpose to build bridges, to let down the anomaly. in these buildings fleet culture.

who has the truth?. depends on what each person has lived or what nature has revealed itself to the individual. we locate the seer.

NICK HARVEY: "Each person has their own personal view of the Universe from the center of their own reference frame. But there is one objective dynamic process that physics and mathematics is based upon. We see and feel this process as the continuum of 'time' with a future that is always
Nick. your thinking is on the edge. beyond uncertainty. The framework is singular.
I suggest you get out of the box. looks from the outside:
Look also to the other (equal),
see that all heads are forming a circle.
That circle is impassable.
uncertainty in the circle. Inside is a space that has stopped time and faithfully repeats what is outside.

It can not happen but .. is correspondence.
The universal controller you to discover. is that which governs the time-distance between a point inside and one outside.
With this regulation work. all material is in stable condition.
Within the circle (much has been written) is God, eternity.
With those circles stable by adjusting the regulator. have focused lenses, organizations structured on the circle.__________________________________________
the edge problem. border.
the fact of light.

the situation of entities in the cosmic whole. It is nature, frequency. Therefore it has to happen, a resonant compensation, to reach the dipole.

"The atomic system in a distorted frequency medium".

Seeing this, more open. We have a mental problem situation. more in context.

the photon acquires breaking in itself, in the resonance of atomic system.
and the cosmos, lights.
this is the continuum that was Bernhard Riemann. this is the current intension of seeing supersymmetry.
NICK  HARVEY: This theory is based on just two simple postulates

1. The first is that the quantum wave particle function explained by Schrödinger's wave equation represents the forward passage of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π or Arrow of Time itself photon by photon. It is a probability wave of a potential future event.

2. The second is that Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the wave function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event.

This process of continuous creation or change we see and feel as the flow of time itself and can interact with turning the possible into the actual with the Planck constant being a constant of action in the dynamics of space and time! 
I support this frenzy of hypotheses on the drawing of time in the substrate. But time is a variable that measures wear; contention of antagonistic poles. The real forces are expressed on frequency systems.

As you can bring order to the forces in the frequency domain with the mathematical tool of geometry ?. That way you can just draw.

In the frequency domain, a powerful mathematical tool, now do engineering needs. That tool is the time variable calculation. It is the only specialty that calculation is the TIME variable.

This mathematical tool, was developed to deliver results in the stability of the processes.



When you see, through the lens of the theory of automatic control. you see movements of entities (monads) in the frequency universe. And see eruptions birth of art. these rashes I call them "the orfeo effect."

when I read these ideas. I feel very liberating theory of human nature.

is the description of a blip. it's me, you, all of us, but each according to his frame of reference. each in his lane to take flight.

are some questions:

1. which is the force that determines the unit intrinsically genuine ?.
2. why suits that genuine identity that future. and everything is harmonious?
3. why not identity is dispersed. which is the tuning ?.

I propose a larger area of discussion.
a giant oscillator, promotes accurate calculations in the frequency spectrum, stability of temporal processes.
this oscillator. is a bipolar condition, entropically determined by thermodinamc.
each universe has its own calculation sensible realities.
You can know the power of tuning of each universe, its spiral. because what we see are lissajous curves.
time is a result variable. processes are governed by the frequency spectra.
feel that you are on the right track. but considering only part of the problem.

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