to do? serve as a breeding ground for the battle against the attacking agent? and at the same time think about the purpose of life cracked by him. the development of thought induces ideas that may be occurring at the same time. cosmic osmosis ?. also dialogue limitations. but I see the procedure with the government to unleash the attack and mutation if the helmsman is not successful. these are different conditions than when Wiener wrote about negative feedback in nature. today there is self-adaptation to the contagious environment. the epidemic situation has a command center. the intruder agent is voicing our breath. oxygen is blocked. the penetration mechanism changes position to penetrate us and download its code. making us vulnerable on account of their persistence. powerful antibodies is not only necessary. you have to sword in each ion channel. you have to fight hand to hand with a troop trained in landing
nature has an abyss as fundamental structure. it is a congenital reason. and to fend for itself it needs the swarm. Feeling for itself is nature's first movement to gain awareness. For that reason of the voids, intervals of fractionation of the matter. gaps. We have blossoms of consolidated units both in swarm and in utopian information. they are projects of unity but they are firmly united and are emptiness full of conscience or preconciousness.
Nature fills this need. To be able to break or for the entity to stop clinging to its capsule. 7 changes of state are required, minimum. in your enviroment. states are temporary. They go forward or backward. and the time of change is also variable. what they do keep is the unit of time. a forward shift can last 2 temporary units. or backwards it can last 1 temporary unit. Thus it forms a sequence.
The time unit of change: TAU. it is related to the time constant of the entity consciousness. it is an adjustment variable, so that the fact that changes for the entity are happening is communicable. Now, WHEN we have the sequence with your TAU. appropriate. With the appropriate changes of direction too. So that is the key that opens those consciences. that's the key. A SEQUENCE OF CHANGES OF DIRECTION WITH ADJUSTMENT TAU.TAU IS A FUNCTION OF TEMPO