sábado, 6 de junio de 2020


 These times of risking our lives in total darkness on the behavior of a primary agent, who has mechanisms unthinkable by traditional logic. We need the depth of our souls to give environment to protein designers. I explain;
Look in your approach at the unstable zone between large and small. The infinity of placement of each part. But also his correspondence. intimate.
Those correspondences are processes. latencies.
They are linked by their own reason for being.
They have temperature and TEMPO. (NO TIME).
Tempo is binding.
Each process is observer of the others with a temporal equation. (TEMPO vs TEMPO)
If the temporal calculation is circular, they gravitate. For compatibility, courtship, processes make room. The dimension appears.
If the result is espriral they are killed. Or distance depending on the sign.
Life is a dynamic process that goes through dialogue, filtering. picking out. shaking hands. I think you can understand me. If so. Thank you.(sorry)


neurons and their characteristic volt-amp. were studied in the squid axon. it could be known that the form is N. N is the form of many pairs in nature. N is unstable. and its balance depends on the association. many forms N are the swarm. this is an emerging expression. Today the emergency of contagion in the ion channels of the cell is in the news. which is another form N (Na / K). I believe that a primary state of consciousness in living beings is the search for stability in the swarm. or otherwise in consciousness.

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