miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020

Reasoning for dealing with the nature of things

We know that the elemental is existence of dynamic poles. But his behavior must be considered a paradox. and it is ethical to think so. Also oneself, with others. and the cognitive.

But how to stop the universe of actions so that they respect those polar causes. And do not seek protagonism. It is impossible.

So the solution should be the dynamic identification of those systems. to gain stability. All processes can be expressed in second order differential equations.

If we see the temporal dynamics of the processes with analog computation. (NO: 0.1) And the axes of this dynamic are X and X '. We will see lissajous curves. And those dynamic expressions give us important data about interaction and paradox.

Already known the temporal component of the processes, intervening in them without causing chaos is easy

Those are the bases of understanding with the dynamic poles: knowing TEMPO. The entire universal structure is made up of interlocking poles. however they are treatable although they do not stop pulsing. they allow participation if the TEMPO is related to their dynamics. When this happens you can locate poles existence elsewhere. You can lower dynamics if it happens.

Communication with the poles is not separate. it's for latency.

I think that the entities (monad Leibniz) when comparing each other, calculate. and its calculation are lissajous curves. depending on spiral. ellipse. circle, etc. it is temporal relationship. TEMPO. there may be attraction there may be gravitation. depends on its dynamics. (At the extreme of these possibilities is that the nebulae are lissajous curves). we compare ourselves and make turns to validate our TEMPO

A long time ago I proposed to the Leibniz association. canonized

>> the universe's operating system can be dominated by a climate inverter<<I say this. because climate change may be in the sense of species-to-species communication. In the capacity of transfer of pathogens. already without barriers. All against all. I'm not talking about temperatures, I'm talking about tunnels, uncontrolled pollution channels. We must review the shields and interpret all the signs by building an urn of cosmic intelligence. When the seals are broken, the computing power will help. sorry

(unless that one parameter is so heavily encoded that the encoding is itself computationally intensive). kernel kernel. something totally interconnected. that in multiples of itself. accelerate more. how much would that code cost? appearance of amplifier-code. that should exist. so that the virtual dimensions were not linked to logical structures. release from space binding. infinite growth of musical sense

The ideas were moving between reviewed entities kolmogorov. Dynamic pairs Newton Leibniz .. Pairs that depended on a parameter, so preferred and in dispute that their batteries ran out. I took that parameter (very similar to money) from the analysis and proposed a type of operational amplifier that as neurons had the joy of exchange. that nothing stopped their interaction.

But we have been in a system, KARMAN triangle. and in another dual whose relationship is mirror, one identifies the other and thus they go through that world without stopping.

I believe that the entanglement is of the same origin but of different entropies. For the code to work as a computation nucleus it must have T-S on opposite sides. As a funny couple

systems identification. 
analog computers. 
automatic control theory. 
linear and nonlinear systems. 
I have seen from that point of view the nature of things and the variants of consciousness

martes, 23 de junio de 2020

shot into consciousness or musical phrase.

  • Story of the successive numbers and the interval. it is important to cite the pause. the interval is gap. insufficient capacity to fill something. Therefore, an uncertain result of an earlier or later number. The search for infinitesimal. life or bag. orphic glass. holy grail of insecurity. Someone says that once a boson of HIGGs was seen out there. We must consider the interval in our readings. Casimir saw the effect.

    Out or in. both sides interconnected by an unstable zone that governs our nature.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2020


The element to take into account for this calculation is integration and derivation in found processes of the same nature. they are processes that integrate to one side and to the opposite side derive. and they are a dynamic couple, it is as if we see it retro-reversible. on the side of dense matter and on the other, the question of entropy. These functional bases are resources that she uses in the equation of time in each natural event. Second order differential equations that calculate the time of each entity. the dynamic process that flows in order to last as long as possible. in summary form N. in all encounters and dimensions
the calculation is in two directions that do the job. they rub the matter in opposite directions but levitating in anthropic event. it is a purification process that makes life efficient. think like that. vital. gives idea of ​​a task towards the infinite mind
is recurring. the N. form the dynamic duality of the poles with different entropies. this is the basis of calculation. towards that rising: integration. towards the other going up: derivation. but if both are going to find themselves in the spiral of the abyss. the N is unstable and self-destructs. for this invariable truth of having in its bosom the unstable inversion of poles. N FORMS generate the swarm. The swarm that is addition and subtraction because it places the N in various temporal phases. it reaches stability and is the first elemental consciousness. saving awareness of the abyss. GAp. 
 if we think about the result of the equation: life. then the processes are related anthropically. and not dissociatively. the calculation will be life = derived from the function, (positive). all to achieve the parameters of stable life. the calculation is unavoidable
So sad. feel that human work can access the most hidden spaces and scratch to know if there is an echo. if there are presences. How sad to know that daring ignorance speculates to infinity without remorse. How sad to read that the quantum computer can simulate our natural processes, they can change the reference systems and cause the direction of events to change. Infinite speculation.
Instead of spending time doing analog computing, where all processes participate.
The man has gone to put zeros and 1, to the information of the electron. But it is clear that to do analog computing, you need to break the brain barrier and see the situation from the outside. And that's from gods ...
I exaggerate ?. The incursions are getting deeper. It is necessary to make a stop, so that the soul is corresponding, with the universal consciousness that nests it. and that it is so fragile. We will see implausible conclusions from other strange consciences, to get along and relate to the underlying tide
quantum entanglement. position uncertainty. experiments that give certainty of being able to generate engineering. But we don't know anything about life. what is life. we are like an elephant in glassware. Life is the conjugation of many nested opposites, which do not stop pulsing. Please do not intervene further without having a clear idea of the nature of things. sorry. But we have to receive the information that there is a behavioral pattern. that there is a circle, a contour that cannot be penetrated by the arrow of time.
I traveled to Leningrad many times. me with a very participative age. (Dialogue relations with the West, not strained. It happened before the wall fell). people were calm and it was as Hemingway said. "Paris was a party". After that world stage, the whole story fell on socialism. It was checked to the bone. But there was a healthy period. I say this because I lived there with fellowship. without human passions in that time.For me: The best times are when the opposites are cooperative equilibrium. And I think that is the system that will be established in the future. swarm of economic systems with different phase of state participation, and leadership. economic models overlap. and each with their native ideas, dynamically moving their truth towards men or formulas as the case may be.

sábado, 6 de junio de 2020


 These times of risking our lives in total darkness on the behavior of a primary agent, who has mechanisms unthinkable by traditional logic. We need the depth of our souls to give environment to protein designers. I explain;
Look in your approach at the unstable zone between large and small. The infinity of placement of each part. But also his correspondence. intimate.
Those correspondences are processes. latencies.
They are linked by their own reason for being.
They have temperature and TEMPO. (NO TIME).
Tempo is binding.
Each process is observer of the others with a temporal equation. (TEMPO vs TEMPO)
If the temporal calculation is circular, they gravitate. For compatibility, courtship, processes make room. The dimension appears.
If the result is espriral they are killed. Or distance depending on the sign.
Life is a dynamic process that goes through dialogue, filtering. picking out. shaking hands. I think you can understand me. If so. Thank you.(sorry)


neurons and their characteristic volt-amp. were studied in the squid axon. it could be known that the form is N. N is the form of many pairs in nature. N is unstable. and its balance depends on the association. many forms N are the swarm. this is an emerging expression. Today the emergency of contagion in the ion channels of the cell is in the news. which is another form N (Na / K). I believe that a primary state of consciousness in living beings is the search for stability in the swarm. or otherwise in consciousness.

martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

in short, the forms of consciousness

you are interested in experiences rich experiences. is that so? theater players have ways of generating experiences. eugenio barba. wrote a book about change of direction. they are strategies to enrich the experience. insects collect in a zigzag. Nature has ways to repair gaps and builds stocks and Qualia. we are talking about what is behind the framework

to know how life was formed. the only plausible resource is to analyze ancient stones from when the earth was formed. but there are thinkers who have written about it without seeing stones. they are poets. that die and are reborn every day in an exemplary way. there's a lot written about those breaks

SORRY. the imagination is very fertile and creates circles of study by suspicion. But I want a little consideration with those people whose job is to identify the system to reproduce it. The description that the experience nests itself to create entities must be related to a meta-memory where that reality is saved. In this theme of metaphysical-imagination. You will always find people who want to simulate the story. It's natural. And at the end of the intellectual life of the universe. Both parts exist. Like Parmenides and Heraclito.

polarity. action and reaction effect, the arrow of time. they are based on the existence of death as a primary fact. But to discern about life is to find a place in that discrepancy, where sufficient tranquility persists, so that the experience can nest.

the mind has several focuses. and they are not many. it's like looking through a kaleidoscope. but there are not many colors. there are open spaces. it is the stage of free will thinking. of the multiple encounter. it has no windows or doors. Leibniz called Monad. there are other focuses: from the top contemplating the other being who is your opposite and who comes from the bottom to exchange his state. there is a law, (mechanism??) Newton called fluxons. but that is our thinking tool. outside there are many voices and entities. bubbling over the fragile lightness of being or traveling in the permutation of being

>>>>>"The matter that life faces is organized by life. To the extent it already exists that way without life, we can observe, hypothesize and theorize. This is built in to living awareness. Living beings must predict to survive. By survive, I mean continue."

"If God exists, it is an ideal endpoint just beyond theory. We keep searching. We might be God doing the searching."

I must be humble. My appreciation of conscious comes from studying the role of discourse in dominating other conscious beings. It makes me think of the types of conscious presences that will appear on my way. Over the years and the projects that I have lived I have found these two states that I wrote to Craig (monad & fluxons) it is pure defense of my integrity. God is life and love in an ambivalent context where the present is active factor at that moment. luck may or may not favor me. God is pendulum or cloak. like consciences. but although I see the signs of enchantment of the consciences. I must respect their spaces and locations for their role in life and in the making of the present. which is the gift of living. If I make the mistake of playing Manipulate that conscious body, I can be expelled and see the madness. division of the conscious in different planes

sábado, 18 de abril de 2020


THE SCRIPT. They are studying it on ancient stones from when the earth was formed. And I think it took us a long time to bring it to our present because we are all wrapped in condoms already. Life follows a MASTER Script, viewing it from the literary standpoint. And why is the script that the poets give us not valid? From Marti and very elaborated by Lezama we have in mind looking for the life production system. We are all probes. Einstein, Newton Leibniz. Vaccine researchers. We are probes connected to a Script and producing scripts.

 It is risky to say that there is a script but they are attacking us !!. 

We have the Bible. That tells us how everything was. But these current viruses are machines that use that SCRIPT to get us out of context. And we have to turn the love of poems into descriptions of how things happen. Whether it is the artificial bug or not, I doubt it. We have to unite in the beyond of everyday life. And make sense of the NATURAL war we are living. Or we will continue dressing without showing the face and living with fear. The poets showed me the SCRIPT although they think I was studying their heads. 

With that observation that there is a combination of LUCK, we can WORK. I say this from the point of view of systems identification.

domingo, 12 de abril de 2020


The entry into the scene of a laborious protagonist who decides on the continuity of the functioning of society and makes us vulnerable, forces us to consider whether this has been an artifice or natural evolution is transgressing the borders of species. It has been published that there is evidence that there was research to produce such a monster. And others also indicate that it is of natural origin due to the unusual procedure of its contagion.
Are we stumped ?.
We all dialogue with our conscience. And the danger of our inheritance is evident. Existence as a species is in danger.
And in this confinement, so as not to get infected, we elaborate questions and answers with no way out, hoping that those who are in charge of their programs and actions will free us from the mystery. Like other times.
But it turns out that on other occasions there was not so much information, nor so many specialties involved. Today there are resources being used to trace mutations and describe the route of infiltration in each country.
Here I am concerned about the appearance of a patient who has no link. The missing link. And let the news come that the main predator of the inheritance is our mother nature. That it is time to fight face to face with our own MATRIX.
This being the battle, then the virus that inhabits us, which has the strategy of keeping us sick with a low mortality rate, for the benefit of favoring contagion and validating itself, REMAINS and we will have to get used to it. We will have a freedom mediated by their presence.
Let us indicate that the reason why such a battle exists is not moral. That it is not due to behavioral problems. That it is not a response of nature to our unbridled race to sustain a CONTINUOUS of time and that the INTERVAL must be respected. That happens, but it is not for that. The issue is that you have to know how life occurs. This life that we have and that we do not know how to generate. That we take advantage of the resources that exist, but we do not know anything about the circumstances to be put together so that LIFE is given.
LIFE is a fluke on earth. And since it has arisen without "purpose" and has prospered successfully, by its own genesis a new agent comes (who has the source code, the SECRET) and discredits us: We had plans to go to Mars and we cannot even go to the corner. And we fall into a predicament of not knowing what our new code of conduct will be, nor the new police regulations. Nor from governments.
That is, if a missing link appears and vaccines are not exactly applicable because the virus continues to find opportunities, to mutate, and to escape from our universe of knowledge. Then we will be in total confusion.
And there will be no credible leader, no ongoing research, no validated thinking. Only the faith supported by the customs of each civilization will guide us on the path of conformity.
We earned our own origin, we were made by our ancestors and we do not have the key to our truth.
Taking into account such a perspective, I am intrigued to see what the teachers saw and did not tell us, after giving us their contribution according to the context; they beyond their subject, begin to explain the metaphysics of their concepts. And even there the battle will force us, producing the squire.
There are recurring sources
Newton and his theory of fluxons,
Leibniz and monad.
Both came to describe derivatives and integrals. But this is part of the behavior of the processes, of their temporary adjustments for stability: of an operating system of the universe that vibrates and its resonances create the TEMPO, of each one. It is NOT TIME, it is TEMPO. Because we are individuals. ENTITY.
The VIRUS KNOWS ... and we without the explanation of the "SOUL" (in those terms there is "shaking hands" with the enzyme).
NOTE: I hope that my affirmations do not take place and that everything is resolved in a short time, with the work of the laboratories and the existing knowledge

lunes, 13 de enero de 2020


They question me because one hand trembles. PArkison ?. DO NOT. I do not see the figure. the vertical is missing in the search. MAN. Our society highlighted the juxtaposition of horizontal and vertical adjusted to the roles. Now it is not seen. FIRES.
The horizontal burns for lack of a proper moral figure.
the horizontal summons more horizontal.
Tremble of helplessness.

the modern women of the family join the transhumanist revolution. Come hopes. and the transition instead of being edifying. seeks to snatch the figure in the collective mind.

Where are we?